Leaner processes

Effective procurement is critical to staying up-to-date with supplier capacity, managing demand, controlling cash flow and cost, while maintaining quality. But how do you demonstrate your savings on the bottom line? To streamline procurement planning and execution, you need transparent and timely data. Using Excel to manage spending and combine data from systems and departments creates Excel-hell. Instead of efficiently balancing quotas from suppliers and matching demand across buying centers, Excel- hell magnifies business risk. Low transparency undermines procurement’s role in promoting fair and open competition, and increases exposure to fraud and collusion.

Jedox für den Einkauf

Challenges for Procurement

  • Rising pressure on costs

  • Adapting to rapidly changing technology

  • Complex supply-chain structure

  • Shorter product lifecycles

  • Growing risks through complex procurement machanisms

  • Faster implementation of technical innovations

  • Increasing globalization

Jedox + Procurement = Insight

Jedox provides powerful in-memory performance through a user-friendly interface. With Jedox, you eliminate Excel’s drawbacks, but still leverage your Excel skills to optimize procurement without being dependent on other departments. Jedox’s industry-leading implementation times means you drive business improvements along your supply chain today.


Increase visibility with Jedox

Jedox reads from your ERP and any other transactional source to bring development, financial, production and sales data together into KPIs. Combine quantitative output from supply analytics and market intelligence, with qualitative data from stakeholders.


Examples of Jedox solutions for Procurement

  • Sourcing maturity benchmarking

  • Time-series spend analytics

  • Logistic management

  • Market Intelligence

  • Collaborative spend planning

  • Demand forecasting

  • Cost-benefit analytics

  • Top supplier identification

  • Jedxo Einkauf

Your benefits with Jedox: Higher returns through more efficient purchasing

  • Minimize costs

    Integrate diverse corporate information sources. Compare local and international department data through Jedox in real- time, enabling you to optimize purchasing negotiations through instant price and supplier analysis

  • Collaborate effectively

    Increase productivity, eliminate risk, and accelerate order processing – Jedox streamlines collaborative processes and makes it easy for you to capture quantitative and qualitative data from any department and present this in clear and easy to understand dashboards

  • Optimize orders

    Know your demand now and in the future by linking production and purchase planning and sales forecasts. Jedox keeps you up-to-date on supplier capacity. Gain access anywhere with rich usability on mobile devices

  • Act global

    Jedox enables faster planning cycles, model outcomes and run what-if scenarios to balance global and local demand, manage currency fluctuations and optimize costs through international procurement

  • Supplier analytics

    Use supplier analysis to decide which orders to allocate to which suppliers based on accuracy, punctuality and error rate. Systematically report with trusted metrics following industry best practices to analyze aggregated ordering demand

  • Procure with a global-leader

    More than 100,000 users in over 120 countries rely on Jedox. Airbus, Allianz, Bobcat, BP, and Mercedes-Benz trust Jedox. Invest in a solution that delivers repeated paybac

Plan and analyze collaboratively with Jedox

Jedox includes a powerful planning workbench with statistical forecasting methods, empowering you to rapidly develop detailed spend plans and predict spending amounts and patterns over time. Create and share your own entry templates to allow managers to directly enter spend projections and orders for every buying-location and department through Jedox. Jedox rules engine enables you to consider currency effects and adjust your planning interactivity, for better visibility, decisions, and accuracy. Compare forecast savings with actual transactions. Easy workflows mean you can keep track of activity across the most complex procurement processes, on a global scale.


Find profit in procurement with Jedox

Jedox’s high-performance multidimensional analytical engine enables flexible aggregation over high data volumes by any criteria, from article and material fields, to suppliers, departments, and purchasers. Achieve meaningful benchmarks in seconds. Use insight to create incentives to improve supplier performance that drives cost-savings for you and your suppliers.


Supplier Evaluation in the Chemical Industry

  • Jedox Supplier Evaluation 1
  • Jedox Supplier Evaluation 2
  • Jedox Supplier Evaluation 3
  • Jedox Supplier Evaluation 4

Our offer

We support discerning SME clients, using innovative business intelligence solutions, to find sound answers to business-related issues and so make the right decisions for safe and reliable company management.