Human resources are your #1 asset

To achieve your company’s short and long-term goals, you need a strong sales plan and the people to make it reality. In times of skill shortages, demographic change and diversified work-time options, however, planning and analyzing HR requirements is no easy task – especially if you are still dragged down by chains of Excel spreadsheets. Jedox HR provides the kick-start you need to optimize your workforce structures, costs and productivity. It professionalizes your personnel planning by safeguarding sensitive data, automating manual processes, and tracking the multiple budget versions along the way. You’ll gain a clear view of your workforce – across the enterprise and down to the details – while saving a great deal of time and money in the process.

Workforce planning with Jedox

Professionalize your HR planning

  • Preconfigured standard reports (e.g. headcount, non-wage labor costs, wages and salaries)

  • Smart business rules including options to integrate sales planning, cost center planning and other detailed budgets

  • Easy-to-use data entry templates

  • High data security through effective access management

  • Easy-to-use input mask for your planning processes

HR Planning and Management

Scope of delivery: Jedox Human Resources

Simplify the planning, analysis and reporting of personnel data with the pre-built Jedox Model "Human Resources": Jedox supports you in evaluating actual figures and collecting plandata via intuitive input masks. This enables you to forecast future personnel requirements and to derive measures from them.

  • Reports

    • Actuals (cumulated and monthly views)
    • Mid-term planning
    • Headcount
    • Wages and salaries
    • Planning parameters
    • Non-wage labor costs
    • Legal entity breakdown
    • Time series
    • Workflow administration
    • Forecast initialization




  • Business logic

    • Display of actuals in the forecast
    • Previous year’s values displayed for budget-actual comparisons
    • Integration in other detailed budgets (e.g. Cost Center and P&L); optional
    • Semi-additive KPIs
    • Calculation of headcount, salaries, wages, etc. based on planned changes; calculation of non-wage labor costs
  • Database

    • Hierarchies by company
    • Data cube for HR costs (version, month, company, employee, HR cost parameters)
    • Measures (headcount, onboard/offboard, turnover, capacity, wages and salaries, non-wage labor costs)
  • Processes

    • Approval workflow with history, timestamp and summary for administrators
    • Batch processing from the OLAP database

Your advantages with Jedox for personnel planning

Choose the detail you need

Flexibly adapt the data structures in Jedox HR Planning to support individual planning processes. Conduct flexible personnel planning on employee levels from the bottom-up or top-down or predefine certain groups. If you choose to delegate planning to department managers, the permission management of Jedox safeguards all sensitive personal data. Best of all, you can intuitively administer users, groups and cell data without needing special IT skills.

Jedox HR

Combine other Jedox Models for integrated planning

Jedox HR is a complete model that you can deploy standalone. As your needs change, you can fl exibly add other Jedox Models for Cost Center, Sales Planning, P&L planning, etc. Use these building blocks to quickly deploy an integrated planning application where the data from individual detailed budgets automatically fl ows into the P&L statements. Align your personnel planning to your corporate strategy and underpin the strategic importance of the HR department within your company.

Track and manage the entire process

Jedox HR off ers powerful workfl ow tools to support collaboration among all planners and show the current status at any time. Thanks to the intelligent permissions management, HR can release the data entry screen and assign relevant actions to individual department managers. They submit their data to their supervisors for review and revisions or approval. The workfl ow logs all revision cycles including time stamps and comments for maximum transparency.

Customize preconfigured HR models quickly

Jedox HR comes with vast, preconfi gured content including reports, business logic and databases to save time and produce fast results. You can quickly customize it to your specifi c business requirements without touching the underlying business logic. Thanks to the powerful planning engine, you can create driverbased planning models with any number of dimensions,hierarchies and dependencies. You can even align the entire application, including colors, fonts and logos, to your corporate design. You’ll profi t from a fast-to-implement HR solution with none of the confi nements of packaged software.

Ensure consistent numbers across the enterprise

Jedox HR guarantees current data based on a single source of truth. All process participants across the enterprise can access budget data and even modify their current draft easily through a Web interface. The powerful, underlying in-memory database makes it possible. Since all entered data is stored in this central database, several departments can work together in a coordinated, effi cient eff ort with no duplicate work. Jedox Integrator brings together all important data in your fi nancial accounting, Salesforce, SAP or other ERP systems, both on premises and in the cloud, into a complete view.

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The Jedox solution tailored for your department

  • Jedox for Management

    Jedox for Management

  • Jedox for Sales

    Jedox for Sales


  • Jedox for Marketing

    Jedox for Marketing

  • Jedox for Finance

    Jedox for Finance

  • Jedox for Procurement

    Jedox for Procurement

  • Jedox for Human Resources

    Jedox for Workforce Planning