Storing and Reading Variables from an Excel Sheet

Published on 11.04.2017

Defining the expressions, labels and colours outside the QlikView application allows an easier management of changes and the reuse for other apps.

In every QlikView application, we have expressions, labels, color definitions, variables, etc. Just thinking of the expressions, if we write them in QlikView, every time, we have to change the expressions, we have to change it within each chart.

By defining the expressions, labels and colors at one place outside the QlikView application, we are able to manage changes in much more convenient way and even reuse it within other applications. This might be important when using, corporate colors, slogans, titles, etc.

I have created an excel file with several sheets, named it GUI_PARAMS.xlsx and put it into the same directory where the QlikView application is. The first sheet contains the sheet names within the excel file, which will be read in to the application and we will call this sheet vSHEETS.

Bildschirmfoto 2017-02-04 um 08.35.23 

Therefore, I have three sheets vCOLOR, vLABEL and vVARIABLES_CALC, which will be processed. I have created each of these sheets with the same names.

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Each of the sheets containing to columns (column name with the sheet name and the Entry column) containing the variable name and the value.

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In the script editor of the QlikView application, we can include this code below, which will read in the vSHEETS sheet and then based on the entries on this sheet, read out all other content of the sheets.

FROM GUI_Params.xlsx
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is vSHEETS)where not isnull(vSHEET);

FOR I = 0 TO NoOfRows('PARAM_TMP') -1
LET $(vSHEET) = PEEK('Entry',$(I),'PARAM_TMP');

LOAD $($(vSHEET)) ,Entry
FROM GUI_Params.xlsx
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is $($(vSHEET)));

FOR I_2 = 0 TO NoOfRows('$($(vSHEET))')
vSHEET_2 = PEEK('$($(vSHEET))',$(I_2),'$($(vSHEET))');
LET $(vSHEET_2) = PEEK('Entry',$(I_2),'$($(vSHEET))');



When you run the script, you will see the entries in the Variable Overview (under Settings).


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