Published on 03.07.2019

The June 2019 Product releases offer a wide range of new capabilities. In addition to Qlik Sense June 2019, there are as well new Qlik NPrinting and Qlik Associative Big Data Index features, along with the much-anticipated QVD Catalog in Qlik Data Catalyst.

Qlik Releases June 2019

With Qlik NPrinting, the new release is delivering some notable features which will provide an improved user experience while streamlining efficiencies.

  • A new user import task API enables customers to ensure they have the most up-to-date distribution lists by running import tasks via APIs.
  • Advanced search filters are now supported for both QlikView and Qlik Sense reports.
  • Usability improvements have been made to Qlik Sense on-demand reporting with a “quick report” option, giving users fast access to request and generate predefined reports.


With the June 2019 Qlik Data Catalyst Release are two new key features.

  • A QVD Manager capability of QVD structures for Qlik Sense and QlikView includes a full scan of customer Qlik Sense and QlikView environments, onboarding, profiling, and auto-tagging of data elements in QVDs, and the ability to inventory, catalog, and leverage QVDs in Qlik and non-Qlik BI environments. The solution also enables customers to leverage Qlik Data Catalog's Prepare module to blend QVD and non-QVD structures for a diverse set of analytics use cases.
  • A graphically rich, interactive Data Lineage capability provides users with clear visibility of how data was sourced, which transformations were applied, and which systems consumed the data. This will enable clarity specific to the data that users are evaluating and will give power to the data steward, providing the ability to understand and react to the impact of logic and schema changes to upstream and downstream systems.


News about QlikView

For QlikView customers, in addition to rolling out updates to the Dual Use Licensing program, Qlik is also improving the QlikView customer journey in other ways such as the new QlikView Governance Dashboard and Qlik Sense License Monitor providing customers with greater insights into QlikView app characteristics and license usage. By supporting Dual Use Licensing and providing a unified license key, Qlik is driving toward a one user, one license, one analytics experience vision culminating in the delivery of a single access point for both QlikView and Qlik Sense.


Further optimisations

With all this, along with the Open GA of Qlik Insight Bot and additional enhancements to the Qlik Associative Big Data Index, Qlik is extending the value and reach of its platform by enabling new ways to make faster and easier data-driven decisions.


to Qlik Sense Release June 2019

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