Microsoft Power BI Features - Highlights 2023

Published on 14.02.2023

What new special and helpful features can we expect for Power BI in 2023?

Microsoft releases innovations and functions for Power BI on a monthly basis. Here is a brief overview of the particularly helpful functions that will be released during the year.

Integration of Power BI in Microsoft Teams meetings

With this feature, which will be released in July 2023, Microsoft improves collaboration in meetings with Power BI. Content such as reports can be added to the Teams meeting easily and without complication.

This makes it quick and easy for participants to find the reports, as well as easy for the presenter to present the reports.

Power BI Meetings


Easier multitasking in the Power BI App for Teams

ollowing on from the previous theme, Microsoft is also expanding multitasking in the Power BI app in Teams in July 2023. Users frequently switch between chats, tasks, meetings and much more. These new features will improve the user experience in this fast-paced environment by, among other things, saving the last editing status for an hour and using the "Back" button in Teams Desktop.

Power Query chart view in Power BI Desktop

About 90% of the information sent to our brain is visual and is processed up to 60,000 times faster than text - so a graphical user interface can provide more clarity in less time. The most time-consuming task in analytics and BI is data preparation, so it is increasingly important to provide a visual user interface to prepare data.

With this function, which will be released in March 2023, Microsoft fills precisely this gap.

Power Diagram View


Other features we can expect in 2023:

  • Show Excel workbooks in record details and provenance views.
  • Improved delegation of settings for Power BI administration
  • Insights into usage and adoption for client administrators
  • Create exportable formatted data tables "Author calculation groups"
  • Restrict access to content in the Power BI service using sensitivity labels
  • Create and share paginated reports on the web
  • ... and much more


Integration Power BI and PowerPoint


Power BI


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